







报告摘要:首先,分析多属性决策的不确定性,如客观事物的复杂性、未知性和人类思维的模糊性;其次,讲解不确定决策问题属性值的表示,包括模糊性表示,灰色性表示,随机性表示等;同时,从不确定多属性决策的研究现状如模糊AHP 、群决策一致性、词计算等方面进行深入分析,概括总结不确定决策发展趋势,包括现有决策问题的深化、基于有限理性的决策方法、随机性与模糊性的结合。


近年来,在IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy systemsIEEE Transactions on CyberneticsInformation Sciences等国内外高水平期刊上发表学术论文280余篇,其中,SCISSCI检索期刊论文188篇,他引8000余次,有24篇论文为ESI高被引论文,入选科睿唯安2018年全球高被引科学家、连续5年(2014-2018年)入选爱思唯尔中国高被引学者榜单;以第一作者取得省社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖等省级奖项10项,承担国家自然科学基金等纵向课题多项。

兼任中国数量经济学会常务理事,中国信息经济学会常务理事,国际电子商务联合会中国分会常务理事,山东电子学会法人、执行副理事长,山东省电子政务专家咨询委员会委员,山东省减灾委员会专家委员会副主任委员,山东省人民政府研究室特邀研究员;担任国际期刊《Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems》(SCI检索)和《Technological and Economic Development of Economy》(SSCI检索)副主编及多家国际期刊的编委。









报告题目:Cooperative functions

报告摘要:We study a common scenario in industry where returns to scale are nondecreasing and thus full cooperation via pooling all the resources together among related firms is usually the most efficient way of production. This scenario is often modelled as a class of cooperative games, referred to as resource pooling games. We argue that resource pooling games could be better understood via directly analyzing the underlying functions that are referred to as the cooperative functions than via analyzing the induced cooperative games. By combining the pioneering works of Sharkey and Telser (1978) and Aubin (1981), we provide a framework for analyzing cooperative functions. We focus on cooperative functions that are supportable in that nonemptiness of the core is guaranteed for all related resource pooling games, and argue that Aubin core can be adapted to study cooperative functions and has several remarkable advantages over the core. We characterize concave supportable functions and convex supportable function. We find that a cooperative function always derives a convex game if and only if it is ultramodular (i.e., supermodular and coordinate-wise convex). Various related solution concepts, including unnormalized Aubin core and PMAS, are studied. We also provide several applications of this framework, including linear production games, EOQ games, and newsvendor games.

报告人简介:曹志刚,北京交通大学经济管理学院教授。2010年毕业于中科院数学与系统科学研究院并留院任助理研究员。20179月加盟北京交通大学经济管理学院,任“卓越百人计划”教授。主要研究兴趣为博弈论及其应用,包括网络博弈和算法博弈论等。在相关领域主流刊物发表论文20余篇,包括Operations ResearchGames and Economic BehaviorJournal of Mathematical Economics, Social Choice and Welfare, International Journal of Game Theory Theoretical Computer Science等期刊以及ACM Economics & Computation等会议。获中国信息经济学理论贡献奖、系统科学与系统工程青年科技奖、中国决策科学青年科技奖和关肇直青年研究奖。任中国信息经济学会理事、中国运筹学会博弈论分会副秘书长、中国运筹学会排序论分会副秘书长、中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会青年工作委员和营销工程分会副秘书长等。主持包括优秀青年基金(2019)在内的国家自然科学基金委课题4项。


报告题目:Some Qualitative Investment Decision Making Issues under Hesitant Fuzzy Environment

报告摘要:Without a doubt, a series of investment decision making approaches have been proposed by the researchers over the last decades. However, most of them are on the basis of completed quantitative data, which brings a lot of limitations when the related data are unavailable, unbelievable, or imperative. As a result, some qualitative investment decision making methods based on fuzzy data have been developed which are more likely to select the optimal investment alternatives under the uncertain environment. In this report, we also focus on this issue and present five qualitative investment decision making methods. They are: (1)the investment decision making method based on the asymmetric hesitant fuzzy sigmoid preference relations; (2) the investment decision making method based on the hesitant fuzzy trade-off and portfolio selection; (3) the investment decision making method based on the hesitant fuzzy preference envelopment analysis; (4) the investment decision making method based on the hesitant fuzzy peer-evaluation and strategy fusion; and (5) the investment decision making method based on the EHVaR measurement and tail analysis.

报告人简介:周伟,云南财经大学教授、博导,IEEE Senior Member、云南省学术技术带头人、云南省突出贡献中青年专家、云南省万人计划入选者。以第一或通讯作者身份在IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, European Journal of operational Research, Information Sciences, International Journal of Conflict Management, Finance Research Letters, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Computational Economics, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 自动化学报、金融研究、系统工程学报、系统工程理论与实践、中国管理科学、管理工程学报、运筹与管理、管理评论等国内外期刊发表论文近60余篇。分别于Springer、科学出版社和经济科学出版社出版专著3部,主持国家自然基金(3项)、中国博士后基金特别项目和面上项目、教育部人文社科基金、云南省应用基础研究计划青年和面上项目等课题。获教育部高校优秀成果二等奖、教育部博士研究生学术新人奖、省哲学社会科学优秀成果一、二、三等奖等。