Shanghai-Leeds Symposium on Braking System and Friction Material
时间 : 2019年10月21日9:00-17:00
地点:3522vip浦京集团官网 图文信息中心学术报告厅
会议主席 / Chairpersons
David Barton
Dean, College of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, UK
郑松林 / ZHENG Songlin
Director, Automobile Engineering Research Institute, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
简介/ Introduction:
Brake systems and friction materials are critical to the safe driving of cars, high-speed trains and other vehicles and have a significant impact on the environment. This symposium invites well-known domestic and foreign brake system companies and academic experts to conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges on innovative technologies of brake systems and friction materials, including: optimization of brake system structure and innovative design, the research on the mechanism of braking frictional vibration and noise, development of new braking friction materials, control of friction brake emissions, and testing techniques and laws and regulations for braking. This symposium will be a regular annual meeting, held in Shanghai in China and Leeds in the UK.
9:00 - 9:40
eynote speech/主旨报告:A Pragmatic Approach to Understanding the Mechanisms of Brake Judder and Noise
Speaker/报告人:John Fieldhouse 教授
Introduction to Speaker/报告人简介:
Professor John Fieldhouse is a professor at the University of Huddersfield, a National Teaching Fellow and has for many years been a visiting professor at the University of Leeds - teaching chassis systems and vehicle performance. He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE). He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and a Member of the Society of Automotive Engineers (MSAE). His presentations at conferences have been recognized through best presentation awards leading to the Lloyd L. Withrow Distinguished Speaker Award and his contribution to the braking industry and academia the SAE Dan Mahannah Award.
约翰·菲尔德豪斯(John Fieldhouse)教授是哈德斯菲尔德大学(University of Huddersfield)教授,国家级教学名师,多年来一直是利兹大学的客座教授-教学底盘系统和车辆性能。 他是一名特许工程师(CEng)和机械工程师学会(FIMechE)的会士。 他还是高等教育学院(FHEA)的院士,也是汽车工程师协会(MSAE)的成员。 他的演讲曾获得了Lloyd L. Withrow杰出演讲奖,由于他对汽车制动行业和学术界的贡献,获得了SAE的 Dan Mahannah奖。
本演讲介绍了盘式制动器的噪声特性以及在噪声产生过程中涉及的主要因素。 它将对制动器设计人员,NVH工程师和OEM测试工程师都非常有用。 至少在所有各方都参与讨论此类问题时,这将使OEMS及其工程师的供应链对制动噪声有一个共同的认识。
这是一种务实的方法,它提供了一系列常规的制动噪声频率,并且在进行任何制动噪声研究或“修复”时都需要考虑那些因素。 将显示出制动盘以可预测的方式展现出径向的振动模式,并且该振动模式可用于预测可能的噪声频率。 另一方面,摩擦片显示出弯曲和扭转模态,但是其模态形式无法预测。
9:40 - 10:20
Keynote speech/主旨报告:
China Brake System Technical Development Trend
Speaker/报告人:GE Hong/葛宏总监
Introduction to Speaker/报告人简介:
Mr. Ge Hong, professor-level senior engineer, Shanghai Excellent Academic Leader, currently serves as China R&D Director of Hydraulic Brake System in Continental. He has been engaged in the research and development of automotive brake systems for more than 30 years, and have rich experience in this field. His leading development projects have won many national and provincial-level technical innovation awards.
10:35 - 11:20
Keynote speech/主旨报告:
Fundamental of Friction Material Manufacturing and Testing
Speaker报告人: Mohammad Vakili先生
Introduction to Speaker/报告人简介:
Mr. Mohammad Vakili has been in Friction Material industries, both aftermarket and OE, since 1978. He has a B.S. & M.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts and post graduate studies at the University of Bradford, U.K. He has held numerous positions from Process & Product Developmental Engineer/Formulator to Vice President of Technical Services & International. During his tenure, he worked for Wagner Automotive, HKM, ITT, Continental and Fritec. Mr. Vakili is currently an industry consultant and has been teaching Friction Materials for nearly 20 years globally including for SAE International.
Mohammad Vakili先生自1978年以来一直从事摩擦材料行业,包括售后市场和OE。他在马萨诸塞大学(University of Massachusetts)或得化学工程学士学位,并在英国布拉德福德大学(University of Bradford University)获得硕士学位。他曾担任过多个职位,从过程与产品开发工程师/配方师到技术服务及国际副总裁。 在正式任职期间,他曾在Wagner Automotive,HKM,ITT,Continental和Fritec工作过。 Vakili先生目前是一名行业顾问,并且在全球包括SAE International在内教授摩擦材料已有20年的经验。
11:20 - 12:00
Invited speech/邀请报告:
Brake Particle Emissions
Speaker/报告人: Scott Tonn博士
Introduction to Speaker/报告人简介:
Dr. Scott Tonnhas worked in automotive braking system engineering for over 25 years and has led teams in brake system design, brake NVH, vehicle/lab testing, and foundation brake development. Scott is currently the Chief Engineer and Director of Sales for Link Engineering in China.
Scott’s career includes 14 years as Chassis System Development Sr. Manager at Advics North America. Scott was responsible for Advics North America’s laboratories for brake development including dynamometer test, vehicle evaluation, component bench test, and overall brake NVH. Scott established the brake system design group in North America as part of the Chassis System Development Department. Prior to joining Advics, Scott was a Product Design Engineer at Ford & Visteon for Research & Development of next generation interactive brake technology in the Chassis Advanced Technology (CAT) division. Areas of focus were Brake-By-Wire (BBW), regenerative braking, interactive fail safe, vehicle dynamics, actuator design, and brake system design. Scott/Visteon were awarded patents for integration of Eddy Current Retarder/Friction Brake designs for passenger vehicle applications and for interactive control strategies in by wire systems.
Scott’s early career was spent as a Friction Material and NVH Engineer at Akebono North America during the 1990’s and as a design and release engineer at Motor Wheel Corporation for automotive brake rotor, drum, and wheel hub design.
Scott Tonn博士从事汽车制动系统工作已有25年以上,并领导了制动系统设计,制动器NVH,车辆/实验室测试以及基础制动器开发方面的团队。 Scott目前是Link工程在中国的首席工程师和销售总监。
Scott的职业生涯包括在Advics North America担任底盘系统开发高级经理14年。斯科特负责Advics北美实验室的制动器开发工作,包括测功机测试,车辆评估,零件工作台测试和整体制动器NVH。 Scott是底盘系统开发部的一部分,在北美成立了制动系统设计小组。在加入Advics之前,Scott是福特&Visteon的产品设计工程师,负责底盘先进技术(CAT)部门的下一代交互式制动技术的研究与开发。重点领域是线控制动(BBW),再生制动,交互式故障保险,车辆动力学,执行器设计和制动系统设计。 Scott / Visteon的涡流减速器/摩擦制动器设计与乘用车应用以及线控系统中的交互式控制策略集成在一起,并获得了专利。
Scott的早期职业是1990年代在Akebono North America担任摩擦材料和NVH工程师,以及在Motor Wheel Corporation担任汽车刹车盘,鼓和轮毂设计的设计和应用工程师。
13:50 -14:20
Invited speech/邀请报告:
Novel Friction Pairs for Environmental-friendly Automotive Brakes
Speaker/报告人: Shahriar Kosarieh博士
Introduction to Speaker/报告人简介:
Dr. ShahriarKosariehis a Chartered Mechanical Engineer (CEng), Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering and skilled researcher where he is highly active in the areas of tribology and surface engineering. His research employs a mixture of experimental and theoretical techniques to gain a better understanding of interactions between innovative coatings and functional surfaces in the dry and lubricated contacts. My areas of research involve actively using a wide range of materials testing and analytical tools. His primary focus is currently on friction braking systems and the tribological interactions at the friction interfaces in the creation of brake dust and particulates.
Shahriar Kosarieh博士是一名特许机械工程师(CEng),利兹大学机械工程学院讲师和专业研究人员,在摩擦学和表面工程领域非常活跃。 他的研究结合了实验和理论技术,以更好地理解创新涂层与干式和润滑式接触器中功能性表面之间的相互作用。 他的研究领域涉及积极使用各种材料测试和分析工具。 他目前的主要研究方向是摩擦制动系统以及在产生摩擦粉尘和微粒时摩擦界面的摩擦学相互作用。
在可预见的将来,包括电动和混合动力电动汽车在内的所有公路车辆都将必须配备摩擦制动器。然而,随着汽车工程师努力实行严格的排放新目标,传统的摩擦制动器存在重大的环境问题,这将越来越引起人们的关注。了解制动系统的摩擦学原理,可以通过开发下一代环保汽车制动器摩擦副来减少有害磨损颗粒的产生。一种方法是通过研究第三体层(TBL)的产生,组成及其对摩擦,磨损,NVH和颗粒物排放的影响。因此,将有可能针对诸如电动和自动驾驶之类的新型汽车的应用优化开发出刹车片。本演讲重点介绍了我们在利兹大学进行的三个制动器方面的重要研究,这些方面可能对与摩擦制动器有关的环境问题产生重大影响:1)采用小尺寸的测试系统进行摩擦学性能研究; 2)通过使用涂层轻合金制动盘来减轻当前铸铁制动盘的重量,并采用自动降低噪音的策略来减轻制动器产生的有害噪音; 3)最小化摩擦制动器产生的颗粒磨损碎屑。在每种情况下,都采用了包括同时使用计算分析和实验测试的基本方法。该演讲清楚表明,如何使摩擦制动器更环保,从而能够为未来汽车所应用的重要性。
14:20 - 14:50
Invited speech/邀请报告:汽车制动异响分析与制动副结构优化
Automobile Braking Noise Analysis and Substructure Optimization
Speaker/报告人: Yu Song/虞松教授
Introduction to Speaker/报告人简介:
Dr. Yu Songis a professor in the Department of Engineering Mechanics at Shandong University. Research interests focus on finite element, numerical simulation of metal forming process, analysis of liquid and solid coupling, etc. As a principle investigator, Prof. Yu has completed couples of research projects funded by NSFC, Shandong Natural Science Foundation, China Post Doctoral Foundation, and carried out cooperated researches with famous industries. Prof. Yu has written two text books, and published more than 30 high quality papers.
以国内某品牌汽车制动异响为案例,分析制动过程两种噪音产生相关部件和原因,异响产生主要因素来自2个或多个部件的共振频率以及摩擦副材料等 包括制动片材料,制动片材料压缩量,制动片总成尺寸和消音片阻尼特征。针对以上因素进行对比分析研究,通过优化设计和多种消音片NVH对比,并进行多次台架实验和实车路试等,验证了新研制的消音片具有很好的降噪效果。
15:00 - 15:30
nvited speech/邀请报告:对制动NVH的创新研究
Innovative Study on Braking NVH
Speaker/报告人: WANG Shuwen/王书文教授
Introduction to Speaker/报告人简介:
Prof. Shuwen Wangreceived his PhD degree from the Department of Engineering at Cambridge University, United Kingdom. Dr. Wang was a full professor at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) before he joined the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) as a full professor. His current research interests include structural dynamics, vehicle NVH, tribology, and surface engineering. Prof. Wang has completed various research projects as a principle investigator or key researcher in China, UK, and Canada. Prof. Wang has published several top journal papers in J. of Mech. and Phys. of Solids, Wear, etc. and has applied more than 30 patents in China and USA in recent years. He was the technical section Co-Chair of the World Tribology Congress 2009 in Japan. Currently Prof. Wang services as a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Automotive Innovation.
王书文教授,剑桥大学博士。曾任哈尔滨工业大学教授,现任3522vip浦京集团官网先进表面工程研究所所长、3522vip浦京集团官网教授。目前主要研究方向为:结构动力学、车辆NVH, 摩擦学和表面工程。王教授曾作为项目主持人或主要参与人完成了多项国家自然科学基金、英国皇家学会创新基金以及加拿大工程和科学委员会项目, 并在国际著名杂志发表多篇学术论文。已申请30多项中国和美国发明专利,曾作为2009年世界摩擦学大会技术分会的联合主席。目前是汽车创新杂志的编委。