



地点: 3522vip浦京集团官网德国文化交流中心二楼报告厅

时间: 2019522日(周三),上午900-1130


报告人:法国波尔多高校交流访问团(Jean-Christophe BATSALEMejdi AZAIEZ6人)。

报告内容:(分4个部分):介绍法国国家科学院(CNRS)机械工程研究院(I2M),法国国立高等工程技术学院 ENSAM,波尔多大学(University de Bordeaux),波尔多高等理工学院(INPInstitut National Polytechnique de Bordeaux),国际硕士合作项目事宜,国际太阳能十项全能比赛(Competition of Solar Decathlon)。


时间: 2019年5月22日(周三),下午1400-1730

地点: 3522vip浦京集团官网德国文化交流中心二楼报告厅

报告二:热学成像与表征的相关研究Thermal imaging and characterization

报告人:Jean-Christophe BATSALE

报告人简介:Jean-Christophe BATSALE,法国国立高等工程技术学院(ENSAM)教授;法国国家科学院(CNRS)机械工程研究院(I2MInstitute of Mechanics and Engineering)院长;法国热学学会(SFTSociété Française de Thermique)会长。Member of National bureau of metrology, in charge of temperature and heat transfer measurement.

报告内容:The measurement of thermophysical properties of heterogeneous media and energetic systems based on the analysis of transient temperature responses to a calibrated heating.data processing methods (inverse methods related to modelling of heat transfer in heterogenous media, quadrupole methods, homogenization, integral transform…).

报告三:计算流体力学相关研究Computational Fluid Mechanics

报告人:Mejdi Azaiez

报告人简介:波尔多高等理工学院(INP)教授,波尔多大学教授。Head of the TREFLE Research Department.

报告内容:Scientific Computing, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Materials Science, Inverse Problems, Reduction data and reduction models.


报告四Thermodynamics of hererogeous media

报告人Marie DUQUESNE and Fouzia ACHCHAQ

报告人简介Marie DUQUESNE,波尔多高等理工学院(INP)副教授I2M研究员

Fouzia ACHCHAQ,波尔多大学副教授I2M研究员。

报告内容Thermal energy storage at low-to-medium temperatures; Thermal Energy Storage for high temperatures applications.

报告五建筑及能源系统Building and Systems Energy

报告人Tingting VOGT WU


报告内容Research group Building and systems Energy presentation: The activities of our group aim to reduce the gap between predicted and measured building energy consumption. Five parts will be presented: Performance warranty; Bio inspiration solutions; Thermal buildings in resilient climates; Building and system optimization; Tools and platforms.