


表面润湿、复杂颗粒表征、非稳定流转捩等问题的研究进展 (分三个报告)


报告人:Prof. Dr.-Ing. Cameron Tropea


报告时间: 2019523日(周四),下午1300


报告地点: 3522vip浦京集团官网德国文化交流中心二楼报告厅

报告人简介:Cameron Tropea,德国达姆施塔特工业大学机械系教授、流体力学和空气动力学研究所所长、国际著名的实验流体力学专家、Experiments in Fluids期刊主编、德国科学和人文科学委员会委员。主要从事雾化、激光测量、空气动力学和界面相互作用方面研究。Tropea教授还是美国航空航天学会、美国物理学会、美国汽车工程师学会会士。


报告内容The research at the Institute for Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics can be divided into four main areas: (1) Atomization and Sprays (primary atomization, drop and spray impact on walls and films, drop drying and evaporation), (2) Laser measurement techniques in fluid mechanics (phase Doppler technique, use of femto-second lasers, Particle image velocimetry), (3) Unsteady aerodynamics (flapping wings, flow control), and (4) Interfacial phenomena (wetting and dewetting).

In his talk, Prof. Tropea will introduce the recent research development in his institute, including the followings three topics.

1, Wetting Questions in Vehicle External Water Management (13:00-13:5045 minutes + discussion)

2, Characterisation of Complex Drops Using the Time-shift Technique (14:00-14:4030 minutes + discussion)

3, Laminar-turbulent Transition in Unsteady Flows (14:50-15:3030 minutes + discussion)